
PRS Membership Form

Membership in the Philadelphia Rose Society runs yearly from January 1 to December 31.  Membership includes nine monthly e-newsletters full of rose growing advice for our area, five meeting programs, garden visits and the friendship of many knowledgeable rose growers.  All contributions over the $15/$25 level are tax deductible.  PRS is a licensed 501(c) (3) non-profit organization.

Regular Membership $15.00

Family Membership $25.00

Patron $50

Our meetings, free and open to the public, are held at the Horticulture Center in the Bloomfield Farms area of the University of Pennsylvania’s Morris Arboretum, 100 East Northwestern Ave, Chestnut Hill, PA  19118.

Also, meetings are sometimes held on ZOOM.

General meetings are at 1pm EST on the second Sunday of March, April, May, October, November, and December (holiday gathering). Each features a Guest Speaker who is an expert in his or her field, an Ask the Rosarian question and answer segment, door prizes, and refreshments. We have been meeting on ZOOM and plan to do so, as needed, for example, if our featured speaker is not local. Also, we have special garden visits at the homes of PRS members and friends in May, July, and September, See our Facebook Page for up-to-date info on meetings and events.

Traditionally our Annual Juried Rose Show has been held on the first Sunday in June each year at the Morris Arboretum.  Exhibition is open to everyone.  The show is open to the public from 1:30-4:30pm. Exhibitors can submit cut roses from 7:00AM – 10:30 AM.  If you are a PRS member, you will receive a program schedule in the mail prior to the show. Note that Covid restrictions have disallowed that over the last 2 years.

In lieu of our Annual Juried Rose Show we have an Annual Rose Exhibition Display held near the Morris’ world-renown Rose Garden. From 10am to 3pm Master and Consulting Rosarians as well as novice rose growers bring their labeled blooms for Arboretum visitors to smell and enjoy! Visitors can bring samples of roses or detailed photographs, share their questions and concerns, receive rose design and garden advice, and chat with “otherwise normal people” who love roses.

PRS Master and Consulting Rosarians can provide rose advice free of charge, including a visit to your garden.  For more contact information see the About section.  Also check out our Facebook page with some beautiful rose pictures and announcements of upcoming events.